Tennessee Nonprofit Network

Legislative Updates for Tennessee Nonprofits for February 15th


On Tuesday, the House Insurance Subcommittee advanced HB 18 which would temporarily expand Medicaid for individuals who have incomes that are too high to qualify for TennCare, but too low to receive subsidies on the health insurance marketplace.



  • Federal Holiday – House & Senate Not in Session


  • House Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee will hear a Child Abuse and Prevention Presentation from DCS Commissioner Margie Quin. They will also consider:
    • HB 46- Requires that a reimbursement payment to a child advocacy center be completed within 30 days of receipt of a request for reimbursement. Requires payment of a 10 percent late payment fee for failing to make a timely reimbursement to a child advocacy center.
  • House Finance, Ways & Means Committee will hear budget presentations from TennCare.
  • House TennCare Subcommittee will consider:
    • HB 372- Enacts the “Tennessee Medicaid Modernization and Access Act of 2025,” which aligns TennCare’s current Medicaid reimbursement rates for key services, meaning obstetrics/gynecology, primary care, outpatient mental health, and substance use disorder treatment with the Medicare fee schedule or average commercial rates, whichever is higher.
  • Senate Judiciary Committee will consider:
    • SB 591- Creates the Class E felony of recklessly, by any means of communication, threatening to commit an act of mass violence on the property of a child care agency, preschool, or religious institution. Creates the Class B misdemeanor of failing to report a threat to commit an act of mass violence on the property of a child care agency, preschool, or religious institution.


  • Senate Education Committee will hear budget presentations from Dept. of Education, Public Charter School Commission and State Board of Education. They will also hear a presentation from SCORE on the 2025 NAEP results.
  • Senate Health & Welfare Committee will hear budget presentations from TDMHSAS and DHS and an update on TANF.

Legislative Calendar

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