Standards for Excellence
An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sector
The Standards for Excellence® program is a structured approach for nonprofits to use to build capacity, accountability, and sustainability in their organizations.

Tennessee’s nonprofit sector serves the public interest and plays an essential role in our society and economy. Hard at work strengthening communities, nonprofits enrich our lives in a variety of ways by creating a broad array of benefits to society in fields such as charitable, religious, scientific, economic, health, cultural, civil rights, environment, and education. The Standards for Excellence aims to raise the level of accountability, transparency, and effectiveness of all nonprofit organizations to foster excellence and inspire trust. The Standards for Excellence code provides a framework and step-by-step guidelines to achieve a well-managed and responsibly governed organization. The code builds upon the legal foundations of nonprofit management, governance, and operations to embrace fundamental values such as honesty, integrity, fairness, respect, trust, compassion, responsibility, and transparency.
Tennessee Nonprofit Network helps the nonprofit sector in Tennessee operate in accordance with the Standards of Excellence code by providing educational resources, assistance, and support.
Tennessee Nonprofit Network encourages all nonprofit organizations in Tennessee to adopt the Guiding Principles of the Standards for Excellence code. By implementing the performance benchmarks in the code, nonprofit organizations will meet the highest ethical standards for effective service in the public interest.
Board members are in a position of trust to ensure that resources are used to carry out the mission of the organization. An organization’s board leadership should consist of volunteers who are committed to the mission and who demonstrate an understanding of the community served. An effective nonprofit board should determine the mission of the organization, establish management policies and procedures, assure that adequate human and financial resources are available, and actively monitor the organization’s allocation of resources to effectively and efficiently fulfill its mission.
Nonprofits should also have executive leadership, which carries out the day-to-day operations of the organization, ensures financial and organizational sustainability, and provides adequate information to the board of directors. An organization’s human resource policies should address both paid employees and volunteers and should be fair, establish clear expectations, and provide meaningful and effective performance evaluation.