Tennessee Nonprofit Network

Nonprofit Academy

Learn the Basics of Effective Nonprofit Management at Your Own Pace
  • “Does our mission articulate the core of our work, effectively?”
  • “Is it time to revisit and revise our strategic plan?”
  • “Are we actively assessing policies, plans and procedures to ensure that all are inclusive?”
If these are questions that you’re exploring, Nonprofit Academy Online is the ideal introduction to understand how to better govern and manage your organization’s work. Nonprofit Academy Online is based on the Standards for Excellence, a nationally accredited curriculum that teaches best practices for nonprofit management, governance, and legal compliance. The foundation of the program is the published Standards for Excellence®: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sector. It identifies 6 major areas of nonprofit governance and management which contain 27 different topic areas. Each topic area includes specific benchmarks and measures that provide a structured approach to building capacity, accountability, and sustainability in your organization.

This is a learn-at-your-own-pace, 20-hour training.

Foundation rate: $250/learner

Nonprofit/individual rate: $100/learner

Course Outline

Participants are also provided with hundreds of resource packets, downloadable templates, and other resources that can be easily adapted for your organization.
  • Video: Welcome to Nonprofit Academy Online
  • Navigating the Course
  • Guiding Principle
  • Mission and Impact
    • The Power of Mission
    • Key Terms
    • Video: The Mission Statement
    • Awesome Mission Statements
    • Complying with the Legal Aspects of Your Mission
    • Keeping Your Mission Front and Center
  • Planning Strategically
    • Video: Overview of Planning Strategically
    • How Far Out Should We Plan?
    • Developing Your Plan
    • The Pitfalls of Planning
  • Organizational Evaluation
    • Using a SWOT Analysis
  • Program Evaluation
    • Video: Overview of Program Evaluation
    • Key Terms
    • The Purpose of Program Evaluation
    • Program Evaluation Matching Game
    • Outcome Evaluation
    • Methodologies: Quantitative vs. Qualitative
    • Data Collection Techniques
  • Strategic Partnerships
    • Identifying Potential Partnerships
    • The Collaboration Spectrum
    • Three Considerations for Strategic Partnerships
    • Identifying and Vetting Potential Partners
    • Memorandum of Understanding: A Recipe for Success
    • Sample MOU Template
  • Supplemental Readings
    • Standards for Excellence – Mission, Impact, and Planning Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Program Evaluation Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Strategic Partnerships Packet
  • Guiding Principle
  • Leadership and Governance
    • Video: Leading an Effective and Diverse Board
    • Board Member Responsibilities
    • The Board’s Governance and Fiduciary Responsibility
    • Being a Great Board Member
    • Best Practices for Leadership and Governance
    • Video: Succession Planning
    • Effective Board Meetings
  • Leadership and Operational Management
    • Governance and Management
    • Video: The Board Chair/CEO Relationship
    • Operational Management Best Practices
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    • Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?
    • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vocabulary
    • Understanding the Difference Between Equity and Equality
    • Organizational Assessment and Planning for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    • Helpful Links
  • Supplemental Readings
    • Standards for Excellence – Personnel Policies, Employee Compensation, and Evaluation Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Board Member Responsibilities Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Organizational Sustainability and Planning Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Volunteer Policies Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Board and Executive Partnerships Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Succession Planning Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Board Member Composition and Independence Packet
  • Guiding Principle
  • Maintaining Legal Compliance
    • Following Applicable Laws
    • Key Terms
  • Required Public Disclosures
    • Solicitation and Fundraising
  • Reporting Misconduct and Whistleblower Protection
    • Whistleblower Policies
    • Whistleblower Best Practices
    • A Whistleblower Case Study
  • Conflicts of Interest
    • Video: Conflicts of Interest Overview
    • Types of Conflict of Interest
  • Ethics
    • Why You Need a Code of Ethics
    • Sample Code of Ethics
    • Developing a Code of Ethics
    • A Code of Ethics Case Study
  • Supplemental Readings
    • Standards for Excellence – Legal Requirements Checklist
    • Standards for Excellence – Public Disclosures Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Conflicts of Interest Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Reporting Misconduct and Whistleblower Protection Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Working with Stakeholders Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Model Employee Handbook
    • Standards for Excellence – Succession Planning Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Code of Ethics Packet
  • Guiding Principle
  • Financial Budgeting, Reporting, and Monitoring
    • Video: Overview of Financial Reporting
    • Three Essential Elements to Financial Reporting
    • Key Terms
    • Additional Best Practices
  • Internal Controls and Financial Policies
    • Video: Overview of Internal Controls and Financial Policies
    • Written Policies
    • Investment Policies
    • Unrestricted Current Net Assets
    • Purchasing Policies
    • Internal Control and Procedures
  • Personnel Policies
    • Model Employee Handbook
  • Administrative Policies
    • Crisis and Disaster Planning
    • Information Technology
    • Communications Planning Recipe
    • Social Media
  • Risk Management and Insurance
    • Video: Overview of Risk Management
    • Managing Risk
    • Risk Management Techniques
    • Insurance for Nonprofits
    • Directors and Officers Insurance
  • Supplemental Readings
    • Standards for Excellence – Financial Planning and Monitoring Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Internal Controls and Financial Policies
    • Standards for Excellence – Administrative Policies
    • Standards for Excellence – Risk Management and Insurance
  • Guiding Principle
  • Resource Planning
    • Video: Overview of Resource Planning
    • Understanding Sources of Revenue
    • Elements of a Resource Development Plan
    • Tools for Developing Your Resource Development Plan
  • Sources of Income
    • Understanding Fundraising Costs
    • Fundraising Costs Quiz
    • Video: The Way We Think About Charities is Dead Wrong
    • Reflection: TED Talk
  • Fundraising Activities
    • Donor Bill of Rights
  • Acceptance of Gifts
    • Accepting Gifts
  • Fundraising on Behalf of the Organization
    • Avoiding Commission or Formula-Based Compensation for Fundraisers
    • Keeping Tabs on Who is Fundraising for You
  • Supplemental Readings
    • Standards for Excellence – Fundraising, Solicitation, Acceptance of Gifts and Working with Donors Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Resource Development Planning and Sources of Income Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Fundraising Costs Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Fundraising on Behalf of the Organization Packet
  • Guiding Principle
  • Educating and Engaging the Public
    • Who is Your Community?
    • How to Plan for Communications
    • Educating the Public Communications Checklist
  • Advancing the Mission Through Public Policy and Advocacy
    • Video: Developing an Advocacy Policy for Your Organization
    • The Rules of Policy and Advocacy
  • Supplemental Readings
    • Standards for Excellence – Educating and Engaging the Public Packet
    • Standards for Excellence – Advancing the Mission Through Public Policy Packet

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