Online Course Catalog
Leadership and Management
What is leadership and why is it important? How does a leader encourage change without triggering fearful resistance? What are the key elements to leading an effective team? What is the role of charisma in leadership? How can a leader achieve work-life balance? This suite of courses addresses all of these questions and many more. The courses in this suite offer advice on leadership that can help you stand out as a leader among your peers. Video segments introduce successful leaders who discuss such issues as how leaders become leaders, leadership ethics, and the differences between leaders, managers, and administrators.
Nearly half of all working adults are women, and women now make up the majority of students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees. Despite these indications that they have the skills and education to be leaders in the workforce, women are still underrepresented in many areas, and the persistent wage gap demonstrates that their work is often undervalued. This certificate explores both the social and psychological mechanisms that create challenges that professional women often face. Alongside commentary from women leaders, the material also provides concrete and data-driven recommendations for advancing in your career. The courses in the certificate introduce key concepts and practices that all successful business people should be familiar with, thereby serving as a general introduction to topics like leadership, management, communication, work-life balance, networking, negotiation, and body language.
Successful managers know the importance of building strong relationships with their team members. This certificate equips both new and experienced managers with the skills and resources necessary to foster strong connections, lead change, and resolve potential conflicts. Whether operating in an in-person office environment or a remote work setting, managers will learn practical ways to better coach and motivate their teams. Through interactive exercises, videos, self-assessments, and case studies, the self-paced courses included in this certificate provide opportunities to practice and apply key management skills.
Leaders and managers are often called upon to deal with the challenging impacts of change, to work through disputes with partners and customers, and to resolve conflict within the organization. This Certificate in Managing Change and Resolving Conflict covers the key issues and best practices for managers dealing with contentious situations in the workplace. Each of the seven courses in this suite offer examples, videos from practitioners and experts, interactive games, and review questions to ensure mastery of the material. The courses present strategies that managers can use to help deal with conflict, with case studies and scenarios that highlight key issues. This program can help both current managers, and those advancing in the management ranks, with the necessary knowledge and skills. Upon successful completion, you can download and print a Certificate of Completion.
This online certificate program helps learners develop the skills and strategies needed to become a successful negotiator. The fundamental concepts of negotiation are addressed, as well as the application of these concepts to the specific areas of Deal Making Negotiation and Dispute Settlement Negotiation. Video commentary provides learners with practical insights on translating the principles of negotiation into real-world bargaining success. Each 3- to 4-hour, self-paced course offers an assortment of interactive exercises, videos, readings, case studies, and self-assessments that will keep learners engaged as they sharpen their negotiating skills.
This course, aimed at HR professionals, is designed to promote age diversity in the American economy by highlighting the business advantages of hiring a multigenerational workforce. The course provides practical and strategic guidance for recruiting and retaining workers across the age spectrum. It draws on a wealth of research and analysis conducted by AARP over the years, which HR professionals will find valuable as they seek to include age in their Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion strategies; design age-inclusive compensation and benefits programs; tailor training and professional development opportunities for a multigenerational workforce; and develop strategies to promote knowledge transfer by presenting older workers with alternatives to traditional retirement.
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This completely online and self-paced one-module course utilizes Inc. Magazine’s prize-winning editorial content to introduce basic concepts of business leadership, including communication and motivation; leading teams; leading virtual workers; and leading during times of change. The focus is on providing practical, hands-on advice to entrepreneurs and small-business people, including video segments with analysis and commentary from industry-leading practitioners and subject matter experts. The course also offers real-world examples, how-to lists and advice, interactive games, and review questions to ensure mastery of the material.
At the core of strong leadership is the ability to communicate effectively. But many leaders focus solely on their spoken words while ignoring the impact of their nonverbal cues, including facial expressions, hand gestures, body movements, and eye gaze. By understanding the impact of body language, leaders can learn how to communicate in a way that builds and sustains positive relationships with employees, clients, and business partners. This course will provide leaders with tips for reading body language and using it to exude both strength and warmth. The course also addresses gender stereotypes and cross-cultural body language and explores the role of body language in virtual communication.
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Emotional intelligence (EI) is our ability to identify and control our emotions to achieve positive outcomes in our relationships. Managers with high EI are better equipped to deal with subordinates, colleagues, and company executives, and they can do a better job of handling and resolving conflicts. This one-module course reviews the underlying concepts of emotional intelligence and explores how managers can improve and make use of their emotional intelligence.
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If you’re a manager or supervisor, you have probably been faced with a difficult conversation with a direct report. Not only do these conversations require sensitivity, delicacy, and in all likelihood, confidentiality, but how the conversation is handled can greatly impact the outcome. This course seeks to prepare learners to better handle awkward and difficult discussions with employees. Many difficult conversations can impact employee productivity, but as the manager or supervisor, you can learn to coach and counsel employees to create a calmer work environment and increase staff retention and productivity in the process.
As a manager, handling difficult employee behavior is now your job. And it can be overwhelming to try to navigate the psychology of poor behavior to try to figure out how to improve the situation. This course is designed to prepare managers to deal with troublesome and difficult behavior by employees. By effectively addressing, coaching, and counseling employees, you can improve their behavior and improve morale, staff retention, productivity, and teamwork. This course uses videos to illustrate each behavior type so that you can more easily apply the techniques to your current work environment. Focusing on dealing with the behavior (not the person), tools and techniques for positive change are clear and well-defined.
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As a manager, you will undoubtedly deal with conflict. And as you look around to figure out who will keep the peace, you might be realizing that person is now you. This course introduces the various forms of conflict that can arise in the workplace and presents strategies that managers can use to help deal with conflict situations. It includes video commentary from an expert in the field and presents some fictitious real-world scenarios that allow learners to practice applying the skills and strategies discussed throughout the course.
How Can I Help You? Customer Service Best Practices explores best practices in providing customer service. This course can serve as an introduction if this is your first customer service job. But even if you are a seasoned professional, the scenarios and activities will give you a chance to ask yourself how you might better handle balancing the needs of your customers with the needs of your organization
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Managers who lead and manage through coaching–providing encouragement, feedback, and support–are more successful in “working through others.” This course focuses on the skills and techniques of positive coaching in an organizational setting including listening actively, providing constructive feedback based on observation, reinforcing positive employee performance through recognition and praise, and teaching new skills.
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Proper management of human resources is vital for creating and sustaining a skilled and engaged workforce, developing a positive business culture, and generating a competitive advantage. In every business where a manager supervises a group of employees, that manager is responsible for some aspect of human resources, and successful managers know the importance of keeping up with current laws and HR best practices. This course equips managers with foundational HR knowledge in areas related to employee recruitment and selection, onboarding and training, compensation, and performance management.
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No matter your age or what phase of your career you’re in, leadership is a crucial skill on the path to success. This course examines how to be an effective leader. This course asks the crucial questions about leadership in today’s organizations: What is leadership and why is it important? What does effective leadership require? What is visionary leadership? What is the role of charisma? What is the difference between managing, administering, and leading? This course offers a balance of the theory of leadership with some real-world application to help you develop this critical skill for personal growth and success.
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This course is designed for current and soon-to-be managers seeking to understand the foundations of effective management. Managers are employed across industries, functions, and organizational structures to oversee different-sized departments, teams, and groups of workers. However, there are fundamental tools, techniques, skills, and competencies that can help all managers navigate workplace relationships, coach and mentor employees, and lead high-performing teams in accordance with HR laws and managerial best practices. This course will dive into these topics and test acquired knowledge through exercises, games, review checkpoints, and a final assessment.
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We all negotiate every day. And even though negotiations are an integral part of our lives, techniques for managing these situations are not instinctive; they must be learned. Experienced negotiators make a conscious decision about what type of negotiation strategy to use based on a number of factors such as the importance of the relationship and the importance of what is at stake. Understanding key concepts such as the “best alternative to no agreement”, reservation price, and the “zone of possible agreement” can help you conduct a successful negotiation. And since power is a fundamental dynamic in negotiations, it is important for negotiators to have a basic understanding of ways they can exert and also gain power in a discussion. This course should be an essential part of any basic business and management training.
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Why can it be so difficult to balance our work with our personal lives? And can these pressures be managed in a way that can make you more successful at both? Yes. This introductory course is meant for anyone who recognizes work-life balance as a skill and wants to improve their ability to create this balance. This course looks at methods and techniques to reconcile work and family. You will also consider the question of personal fulfillment and the needs and demands of leadership.
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Leaders are people who can change the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors of the people around them. Successful organizations must have leaders who take them in the right direction. While not all leaders are managers or even occupy positions of authority, managers are often leaders for the employees who report to them. While companies with more women in leadership positions tend to see benefits to their bottom line, gender stereotypes and biases can make it difficult for women to become recognized as leaders and to advance into managerial or executive positions at work. This course reviews various qualities of leaders and styles of leadership and management. It also reviews common managerial challenges and introduces techniques, strategies, and best practices to overcome those obstacles.
Whether adopting new technology or adapting to a drastic shift in an organization’s core focus, change is a constant in any successful business. Managers play a fundamental role in successful effecting changes across an organization, and meanwhile, humans, by nature, will often resist change out of fear of the unknown. This introductory course addresses the key issues managers face in a dynamic environment. By understanding the steps in effecting change and how to overcome resistance, a manager can successfully lead change at various levels of an organization.
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Leading a team through any task or project requires special skills, and an understanding of the team dynamic and politics. This introductory-level course for managers or anyone interested in leading teams, addresses the key issues surrounding leadership in a team environment. Why is leadership important to team success? What is required of a team leader to lead his team effectively? This course considers how team leaders must account for the special and unique circumstances of working in a team, where responsibility, accountability, communication, and leadership are shared.
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If you’re a manager and have not had any management coursework or experience, you may be looking for some foundation in management basics. This course considers the fundamentals of management and how managers can be effective in organizational settings. Starting by defining the role of a manager and how management differs from leadership and administration, the course then discusses management styles and seeks to help you identify your own management style.
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To be successful and move ahead in his or her career, a manager must understand how to manage people, including motivating workers and coordinating their activities. This course will explain how the goals, empowerment, measurement system of management can be employed and how organization structures differ. The course will also cover the difficulty of discipline while trying to maintain productivity and momentum.
As businesses are increasingly turning to technology to handle both internal and external communications, the notion of a centralized workforce that meets face-to-face on a daily basis is becoming less common. Companies are embracing the idea of employing remote workers—from both near and far—who can provide a diverse range of skills and viewpoints without being bound by location. While there are many advantages to remote work for both the company and the individual, managers must be aware of the challenges that can arise when employing remote workers. This course explores the benefits and drawbacks of remote work and provides managers with tips for helping their remote workers stay connected and motivated.
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This course defines negotiation and reviews the importance of advocating for yourself and your interests. Because negotiation tends to be characterized in a stereotypically masculine way, this course considers some of the challenges that women tend to face when negotiating. The course reviews key negotiation concepts such as BATNA and ZOPA as well as common negotiation mistakes and the five stages of the negotiation process. The course-takers will also engage in negotiation scenarios for opportunities to prepare for common situations they may encounter.
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This course is designed to help executives and other potential deal-makers learn the essential strategies and skills to conducting successful business negotiations. Learners in this course will explore the fundamentals of deal making with the help of games, videos, interactive exercises, case studies, and other engaging content. The course begins by comparing and contrasting the two major types of negotiation—Dispute Settlement Negotiation (DSN) and Deal Making Negotiation (DMN)— and exploring the difference between negotiation and bargaining. Key topics covered in the course include the stages of the negotiation process; the importance of preparation and realistic goal-setting; the five basic approaches to negotiation; when to make (and when to avoid) commitments; the relative importance of relationships and outcomes; the decision to walk away from a negotiation; and the unique challenges posed by multiparty, international, and cross-cultural negotiations.
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If you’re a manager and have not had any management coursework or experience, you may be looking for some foundation in management basics. This course considers the fundamentals of management and how managers can be effective in organizational settings. Starting by defining the role of a manager and how management differs from leadership and administration, the course then discusses management styles and seeks to help you identify your own management style
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Making meaningful connections can be critical to professional success. Although many find networking to be difficult, it is a learned skill that can improve with technique and practice. This course introduces techniques and strategies for networking, finding mentors, and attracting sponsors, as well as common anxieties and obstacles that people face when trying to expand their professional connections. It highlights the ways that networking can be both particularly difficult and especially important for women in business.
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There are a number of managerial factors that are vital in managing and leading. Becoming a better manager or leader is directly connected to how well you can master them. The Effective Manager’s Toolbox is a suite of online modules designed to give managers a head start on managing issues correctly and professionally with less stress and fewer negative organizational circumstances. The modules offer learners an explanation of the managerial mindset that all managers and leaders must adopt to succeed.
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One of the more precious resources a manager has is his or her time. Managers can become more effective by employing time management and scheduling techniques, delegating, outsourcing key tasks, and employing technology. Effective time management helps managers achieve their goals. The concepts covered in this course will help create structure around your time management skills, and will help reveal any weaknesses in your time management habits. Making time management a priority is often the first step to keeping on task and maintaining a schedule.
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Everyone finds that their life is unbalanced from time to time. If left unaddressed, that lack of balance can cause stress, decreased productivity, and even health problems. Stereotypes and expectations about what matters to women can exacerbate work-life balance challenges. This course explores the importance of prioritizing things that matter to you, both at work and at home, and introduces techniques that can help individuals and organizations make work-life balance possible.
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Nonprofit Management
This online certificate program introduces learners to key current management issues for nonprofit organizations. Fundraising, board and volunteer development, budgeting, reading financial statements, leadership, marketing, and setting strategic direction are all addressed, and video commentary on these crucial topics will give you insight into how nonprofit professionals apply key concepts in their own organizations. Each 3 to 5 hour, self-paced course offers an assortment of interactive exercises, videos, selected readings, case studies, and self-assessments that will engage you and help you practice effective decision making in a nonprofit setting. After completing all the courses, learners will engage in a simulation meant to test the concepts covered in the courseware. Some courses in this certificate award CFRE credits.
This two-course bundle offers the introductory through intermediate skills needed for those involved in gaining funding for any nonprofit organization’s mission. Strategic grant writing aligns the needs of a nonprofit with funding sources, whether those sources are foundations, government agencies, corporations, or individuals. The first course in this bundle, Introduction to Grant Writing, offers a guide to the basics of grant writing. The course explores the relationship between grant writing and an organization’s strategy for fundraising. It also outlines the six stages of grant writing and highlights grant writing best practices. Advanced Grant Writing, the second course in this bundle, challenges learners to push those newly acquired grant writing skills to the next level, challenging learners to ask iterative questions in order to sharpen and refine each grant proposal and push it to the top of the pack. By looking closely at how a logic model can shore up a proposal at each key stage, this course will demonstrate how to push planning, evaluation, and budgeting from good to great.
Pushing your grant writing skills to the next level is an exercise in focusing on the details. This course shows you how to ask iterative questions of yourself, your team, and your proposed program in order to sharpen and refine your grant proposal and push it to the top of the pack. By looking closely at how a logic model can shore up your proposal at each key stage, this course will demonstrate how to push your planning, evaluation, and budgeting from good to great.
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If you’re involved in a nonprofit organization, you likely know all too well the importance of budgeting. In this course, you will gain an understanding of the uses and functions of budgets and the relationship between strategic budgeting and tactical budgeting. You will also learn about the organization-wide budget and different budget systems. After introducing the basics of budgeting in a nonprofit, the course continues on to slightly more advanced budgeting topics such as capital budgets, cash flow budgets, and opportunity budgets. You will also learn how nonprofit organizations are using different budgeting techniques to handle operating challenges.
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A capital campaign raises money that a nonprofit organization uses for any physical asset, such as purchasing or renovating a building. It’s a critical part of managing in the nonprofit sector. This introductory-level course covers the key terminology and practices surrounding running a successful capital campaign within a nonprofit organization. You will learn about the phases of conducting a capital campaign (evaluation, feasibility study, organization, solicitation, and post-campaign activities) as well as how to avoid common pitfalls in capital campaigns.
To effectively manage a nonprofit organization, leaders need to be aware of the current trends, challenges, and best practices that are shaping the sector. This course will provide an overview of the key topics that are the focus of today’s nonprofit leaders. You will learn about the ways in which the nonprofit sector is changing, as well as some new approaches to leadership, strategic planning, marketing, and fundraising. This course will also explore how nonprofits can grow, sustain themselves in challenging times, and utilize data and technology to improve their performance and assess their progress.
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Fundraising is one of the central activities of a nonprofit organization and nonprofit management. To help finance operating budgets, nonprofits must raise money every year. In addition, special projects and improvements to facilities may be needed. In these situations, fundraisers will often launch large capital campaigns or apply for foundation grants. This course offers an introduction to fundraising for nonprofit organizations, with an emphasis on the fundamental issues.
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Understanding what the numbers say about the health of your nonprofit is critical to being able to manage the organization successfully. This course will develop your ability to appropriately interpret the major financial accounting statements that are used by nonprofit organizations. You will gain an understanding of the types of financial statements that are used by nonprofit organizations, and how they differ from for-profit financial reporting. Also, the course demonstrates the power and limitations of accounting information in assessing financial performance and decision-making. You will also learn the uses of financial statement analysis, or ratio analysis for nonprofit organizations.
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Writing grants is often a critical part of gaining funding for any nonprofit organization’s mission. Strategic grant writing aligns the needs of a nonprofit with funding sources, whether foundations, government agencies, corporations, or individuals. This introductory-level course offers a guide to the basics of grant writing. The course explores the relationship between grant writing and an organization’s strategy for fundraising. It also outlines the six stages of grant writing and highlights grant writing best practices.
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There are many differences between nonprofit organizations and for-profit organizations. Before delving into the details of nonprofit management, this course serves as a critical introduction to the fundamentals of nonprofit organizations. You will gain an understanding of the nonprofit sector and the issues that leaders face in this exciting and growing field. You will also be exposed to the major areas of responsibility for nonprofit leaders, including strategy, managing employees and volunteers, fundraising, grant writing, board governance, marketing, innovation, and social media.
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The success of any nonprofit organization can rely on the quality of its leadership. You know a good leader when you see one, but how can you become one? This course begins by examining leadership theories as well as key qualities and ethics within leadership. After establishing this foundation, the course focuses on leadership in the nonprofit sector, including the leadership shortage and possible solutions.
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Whether you have years of experience in the nonprofit sector, or you’re considering a possible career shift, this simulation is designed to challenge and engage participants while exploring key real-world leadership issues confronted by nonprofit managers. The learner assumes the role of executive director of the troubled Courtney Museum, and deals with a series of personnel, marketing, financial, and board and community relations issues. As the learner makes tough decisions, an adaptive scoreboard reflects the impact of those choices on the museum’s prospects. Video commentary from experienced nonprofit leaders provides qualitative context and explores the consequences of choosing different paths for reviving the museum.
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Volunteers are the lifeblood of most nonprofit organizations. And board members are a special type of volunteer, helping to guide the direction of a nonprofit, promote the organization in the community, and ensure that the nonprofit’s mission is fulfilled. Learning how best to manage the board and other volunteers is a critical part of nonprofit management. This course covers the fundamentals of board and volunteer development as well as recruiting, effective communication, and retention.
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The mission of a nonprofit is the driving force behind its existence, and being able to articulate that mission clearly to staff, volunteers, board members, funders, and the general public is imperative to the organization’s success. The courses in the Nonprofit Skills® for Leaders: Nonprofit Communications certificate help learners develop the skills that are most needed in each facet of the nonprofit communication landscape, allowing them to communicate confidently with both internal and external audiences.
When we think of marketing, we typically think of the activities that a for-profit company engages in. However, marketing is an important function for nonprofit organizations as well. Effective marketing is how nonprofit organizations determine the needs of their clients and their donors. As in the for-profit world, nonprofit marketing includes advertising, promotion, public relations, and customer relationship management. This course examines how nonprofits use marketing to publicize their mission and to gather contributions of time and money. The course also discusses marketing planning in the nonprofit organization.
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Effective use of social media as a marketing tool is often essential for nonprofits to get attention in this digital world. This course introduces learners to the use of social media in communicating, marketing, public relations, and fundraising for nonprofits. It explores the major social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest) as vehicles for nonprofits to reach their members, volunteers, and donors.
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This course is a how-to guide for anyone who’s got a great idea about how to give back to the community—but doesn’t know how to turn that idea into a reality. The course begins by considering a fundamental question: Is starting a nonprofit the best way to achieve your philanthropic goals? For those who answer “Yes,” the course then discusses the key steps in getting a nonprofit off the ground, including incorporating your organization; applying for tax-exempt status; drafting a business plan; choosing a board of directors and writing bylaws for the organization; recruiting employees and managing volunteers; and addressing the crucial issue of fundraising. Rich with videos and interactive content, this course provides a detailed and highly practical introduction to the fast-growing world of nonprofits.
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We hear a lot about successful for-profit companies and the successful strategies they have developed. Even though nonprofit organizations are not concerned with profit maximization, they too can benefit from following a strategy. A nonprofit’s strategy constitutes its decisions about what it will do and how it will do it. Nonprofit managers are critical to successfully implementing strategy since they are responsible for carrying out the actions that will support it. By understanding a nonprofit’s strategy and how it helps the organization fulfill its mission, a manager can do a better job implementing the strategy.
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This course, a staple for anyone who is interested in copy editing, will ensure you have a detailed understanding of word categories, punctuation, and sentence construction. The course will guide you through the eight parts of speech; simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences; ten punctuation marks; and the rules for capitalization. Through real-world exercises, you’ll be able to categorize words and phrases, build different types of sentences, and correct common syntax and punctuation errors.
A great editor is like a great mechanic. They look at a piece of writing the same way a mechanic looks at a car: they assess the current state, see if it has any issues, and tune it up so it’s good to go. As you can imagine, there is no lack of metaphor to describe the task of editing. This course will help you discern between metaphor and fact to discover the truth of editing. You will learn the foundational principles of copyediting, the golden rules of proofreading, and what professional editors actually do and how you can do it, too.
In most organizational settings, you’ll be expected to work in teams. At times, your team members may not be physically in the same office with you. And yet, communicating effectively within these teams is critical to the success of the team, and critical to your personal success on any given project or task. This introductory-level course will help you improve your collaborative communication by providing best practices and effective tips and techniques.
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The ability to write clearly and directly is highly prized in most organizations. Well-written emails and documents can help you earn respect among your peers. And poorly written emails and documents can detract from success at all levels. The ideas, techniques, and checklists in this introductory-level course apply to all forms of business writing: memos, reports, brochures, proposals, presentations, catalogs, and websites. This course will also teach how to revise for wordiness, unnecessary phrases, redundancy, and jargon, and the appropriate use of email in an organizational setting.
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Communicating clearly and concisely in written formats like email, memos, and letters is very important in a workplace setting. Clearly communicating your thoughts, plans and proposals is a highly effective means to advance your ideas and earn the respect of your peers. This course will help you improve your use of these common business communication vehicles by providing best practices and effective tips and techniques.
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The ability to deliver an effective presentation is critical in most job functions. This introductory-level course helps learners organize, structure, and create effective presentations that feature slides as a visual aid. Because many organizations use PowerPoint as a way of communicating information, this course offers advice and guidance on the most effective and persuasive uses of PowerPoint, including best practices on word count, graphics, and structure.
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Confidence is a key to delivering an effective speech or presentation. And delivering an effective presentation can be critical to success at work. This introductory-level course helps you develop the skills you’ll need to become an outstanding and confident public speaker. It reviews the seven stages of public speaking including defining the audience and crafting your central message, all the way to writing, practicing, and delivering your presentation or speech. This course is an essential part of honing the skill of presenting and setting the stage for the boost of confidence to help you succeed.
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Technical writing is a highly coveted professional skill that involves absorbing technical information and then communicating it through a document that is tailored to a specific audience, usually to inform, instruct, or persuade. This introductory course will explain what technical writing is and what technical writers do, exploring the tools, techniques, and strategies they employ. It will also guide you through the technical writing process, from initial plans to final revisions.
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Writing is central to our personal and professional lives. Errors in writing can derail a job application, miscommunicate a plan, and confuse our audience in many ways. This course will guide you through the writing process, from brainstorming the content to polishing the final draft. Along the way, you’ll be given tips for how to speed up the writing process and ensure that you send out error-free writing. Topics include time management, structure, crafting complex and clear sentences, and troubleshooting common grammar errors.
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Human Resources
Developed in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization’s guidance on diversity and inclusion for organizations (ISO 30415:2021), the Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion in HR Management provides a foundation for creating a workplace where all employees are respected and appreciated as valuable members of the organization, are able to participate in work-related opportunities, can follow career paths that use their skills and knowledge to the fullest, and receive fair compensation. The courses explain how diverse and inclusive workplaces are more productive, innovative, creative, and profitable, and that fostering an inclusive culture produces higher employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention rates. The certificate explores the responsibilities of leaders, the workforce, and other stakeholders in recognizing diversity, working and communicating inclusively, reducing unconscious biases, acting accountably, and assessing diversity and inclusion initiatives using qualitative and quantitative methods.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations large and small quickly adapted to remote work settings and alternative workplace solutions to protect employees’ health and safety and maintain business continuity. What began as a necessary and seemingly temporary change soon prompted organizations to rethink their work environments and workspace needs entirely. Such significant changes to the traditional office setting have required HR professionals to address key business challenges, including how to support and engage employees in remote settings and how to safely transition back to physical work locations. Many organizations now seek a comfortable middle ground—a work arrangement that maximizes the benefits of remote work while utilizing physical work spaces for tasks and activities that warrant in-person collaboration and connection. HR professionals play a key role in leveraging the benefits of both settings, remote and in-person, to create hybrid solutions that suit the unique needs of their organizations. This certificate prepares HR professionals to manage hybrid workforces, especially during times of transition and as business needs change.
Human resources professionals are charged with supporting the success of their organizations in ways that are ethical and socially responsible. Ethical organizations must consider questions about what is right and fair in all decision-making processes. Because HR professionals are involved in designing and enforcing policies that impact the people who work in an organization, they play an especially powerful role in shaping the ethical culture. Each of these 1.5-hour courses explores the relationship between human resources and creating an ethical workplace. While some delve into theoretical and philosophical questions about how we can know what is right and wrong, others focus on applying theory to practice in an organizational setting. After completing the courses in this certificate, the learner will be prepared to play an essential role in shaping the ethical culture in their workplace. Each self-paced course features an assortment of interactive exercises, videos, case studies, and assessments.
This online course introduces learners to the basics of human resources management. Throughout seven segments, learners will explore the core goals and strategies of the HR function, examine best practices for employee selection and development, develop an understanding of compensation structures, and consider both the value of workforce diversity and laws relevant to its pursuit. The self-paced course offers an assortment of interactive exercises, videos, selected readings, case studies, and self-assessments that engage students and provide opportunities to practice HR management skills.
The HR Skills™ Best Practices certificate consists of courses focused on the behaviors, practices and approaches that enable HR professionals and managers to foster better connections, communicate effectively, provide useful feedback, and navigate difficult situations. Through quizzes, games, real-world scenarios and commentary from subject matter experts, the HR Skills™ Best Practices certificate helps the learner begin to develop the skills that are the key to a cohesive workforce. The certificate consists of 8 courses that are online and self-paced, providing flexibility in completing the curriculum. No prerequisites are required to begin the courses. A course will be considered complete when the participant has done all assignments, exercises, review checkpoints, and has received at least a 70% on the course final exam. Students will have 12 months to complete all the courses in the certificate.
Organizations are accountable for their diversity and inclusion goals. In this course, you will learn about HR metrics, predictive analytics, diversity training, diversity scorecards, and other tools that organizations use to identify biases, track the progress of initiatives, and gauge the effectiveness of policies. This course will explain how to use both soft and hard metrics to formulate, update, and implement diversity and inclusion goals. You will also learn about the importance of employee buy-in, diversity leaders, and C-suite support in achieving a diverse and inclusive workplace.
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Some benefits of remote work include greater scheduling flexibility, increased employee retention, and larger talent pools to draw from when filling positions or building a team. While organizations benefit in a variety of ways from fully remote work settings, remote work can also present unique challenges, such as breakdowns in communication, diminished company culture, and lower employee engagement. This course examines how organizations can leverage the benefits of remote work while mitigating the challenges. Topics covered include talent planning, performance management, organizational development, and employee engagement—examined in the context of a remote work setting. Through learning about remote work, HR professionals will be better equipped to propose hybrid solutions that align with organizational goals.
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Understanding compensation practices and policies is crucial for any business owner, HR professional, or manager. In this introductory-level course, you will consider issues surrounding the key aspects of pay policy: legal requirements, pay equity within an organization, competitive pay within the relevant industry, how and when to grant raises, and different ways payment can be structured. Earn SHRM and HRCI credit as you develop your compensation expertise.
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Big data and data analytics are changing how businesses run and managers do their jobs. In this course, you will explore how human resource managers use data to provide better support to the employees they manage and to contribute to the strategic practices of their organizations. You will learn about different kinds of data and analyses, and you will consider how data collection and organization may factor into problem-solving processes. We will also review issues pertaining to data collection and employee privacy and confidentiality.
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From establishing an ethics code to handling disciplinary issues, human resource managers play a key role in protecting the rights of employees by ensuring they are treated fairly, and that appropriate laws and policies are enforced. In this course, you will learn about issues relating to employee rights in the workplace. We’ll consider the relationship between HR and ethics, employment laws that protect the rights of workers, and appropriate procedures for disciplining and terminating employees. The second half of the course will focus on unions and labor relations.
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The safety of employees should be a primary concern for employers. Human resource managers play a crucial role in ensuring workplaces are not only as safe as possible, but also in compliance with safety-related rules and guidelines. This course introduces various workplace hazards and health issues and explores the relationship between employers and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
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Hiring the right staff for the job can be make or break. In this introductory-level course, you will learn about the process of selecting the best candidate from a large, diverse pool of high-quality applicants. Based on D. Quinn Mills’ book, Principles of Human Resource Management, the course discusses how to conduct an effective job interview, asking questions that elicit relevant information, and avoiding questions that might be seen as discriminatory. You will also consider how to discover more about a candidate through the use of reference checks, background checks, and testing. Earn SHRM and HRCI credit as you develop your understanding of this critical human resources element.
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Equal Employment Opportunity is an important concept for HR managers, employees, and job applicants to understand. In this introductory-level course, you will learn about many of the major employment laws, Equal Opportunity issues, and the anti-discriminatory regulations employers must be aware of in hiring, promoting, and firing employees. Earn SHRM and HRCI credit while learning about this important topic in human resources management.
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To achieve diversity and inclusion, organizations need to create an inclusive culture where all employees are respected and appreciated, have equal access to workplace opportunities, and are fairly compensated. In this course, you will learn about how to create, encourage, and develop an inclusive culture. You will explore the 7 Pillars of Inclusion, traits of an inclusive leader, strategies to assess employee buy-in, professional development opportunities, and workplace accessibility. You will examine how to uproot workplace toxicity and address and prevent harassment and discrimination. The course illustrates the many benefits of an inclusive culture, including higher levels of employee engagement, productivity, employee satisfaction, and retention rates.
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Increasing workplace diversity necessitates strategies that foster more inclusive and equitable workplace practices. In this course, you will learn how leaders who want tangible, measurable results from diversity and inclusion initiatives must take an active role in supporting and implementing these strategies. You will explore how to use talent management systems and performance metrics to create a diverse workplace. This course illustrates that providing equal opportunities for continued engagement, including flexible work arrangements, mentorship programs, and employee benefits, is paramount for an organization’s diversity and inclusion efforts to succeed.
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Employers are looking for ways to attract and retain top employees. Employees are seeking working conditions that reflect their needs and wants. By offering the right employee benefits, both employers and employees can reach their goals. In this course, you will learn about increasingly popular employee benefits, including paid leave for new parents, student loan assistance programs, and employer-sponsored volunteerism policies.
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While diversity and inclusion are popular topics in the media and for many progressive organizations, the concepts of diversity and inclusion can be slippery and elusive. What are diversity and inclusion? How are they related to each other? How do you know if your organization is diverse and practices inclusivity? What diversity and inclusion initiatives produce measurable results? In this course, you will examine the concepts of diversity and inclusion and will gain the tools necessary to support an inclusive workplace.
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We live in a time where “alternative” work arrangements are becoming more and more the norm. Especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are exploring new ways of working and are seeing the benefits of greater adaptability as circumstances continue to change and evolve. Both employers and employees can benefit from flexible work arrangements, but offering greater flexibility is not without risk. In this course, you will explore flexible work arrangements, including remote work, flextime, job sharing, compressed workweeks, contracting, gig work, and permanent part-time positions. You will also learn how these flexible work arrangements affect both the business objectives of an organization and the work-life balance of employees.
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Conflict is inevitable in every workplace environment but can typically be resolved with strong leadership and interpersonal communication skills. However, there are times when conflict escalates to a level that puts a worker’s well-being or safety at risk. Such dangerous conflict can have devastating effects on an organization, dissolving its focus and resources and even causing it to shut down operations completely. This course will explore the causes and signs of violence in the workplace and will provide tips on how to diffuse dangerous behavior and restore a positive, safe workplace environment.
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In this course, you will explore the importance of developing workplace policies that address unfair gaps in employee pay. You will learn about tools that can help inform those policies—like survey and pay audits—and best practices for their implementation. This course presents federal and state legislation on pay equity, and it provides an opportunity for you to explore your state’s laws and how they impact your workplace.
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Promoting employee well-being is essential for a healthy organization. While this may seem obvious, it can easily be overlooked in an effort to meet other organizational goals. In this course, you will learn what it means to develop a working environment that prioritizes employee health, happiness, and comfort. You will explore various techniques for creating a positive workplace culture and identify common stressors that may threaten employee well-being. You will also learn about the effects employee well-being has on a company’s financial success and productivity.
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What will the future workspace look like? What are the “typical jobs” of tomorrow? How many hours a week will employees work? How will culture and technology affect the future of work? The answers to these questions are based on events, innovation, employer motivation, and the needs, preferences, and composition of the workforce. This course explores the future of work in the context of COVID-19, automation, artificial intelligence (AI), business sustainability, multi-generational workforces, different business models, increasing demand for flexible work arrangements, an evolving organizational culture, and a need for expanded accessibility.
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When faced with a crisis, such as a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or pandemic disease, organizations must consider the safety and wellbeing of their employees. Learn how businesses respond before, during, and after crises and the critical role that human resource (HR) professionals play in this process. Explore both short-term and long-term responses, including management reorganizations and protocols for employees in essential and nonessential industries. This course also examines how effective communication strategies, health and wellness programs, insurance options, and government actions help businesses respond to and recover from crises.
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The goal of coaching in a business environment is to help an employee to grow, develop, and succeed by removing roadblocks to performance and enhancing creativity. Coaching is a skill that can be learned with practice and one that will pay back in improved employee performance and workplace culture.
In this course you will explore how coaching employees is a vital part of management in any organization. We’ll discuss the differences between coaching and mentoring, identify common coaching challenges, review the GROW model, explain the importance of active listening and setting SMART goals, and discuss how to monitor progress and provide feedback.
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As businesses are increasingly turning to technology to handle both internal and external communications, the notion of a centralized workforce that meets face-to-face on a daily basis is becoming less common. Companies are embracing the idea of employing remote workers—from both near and far—who can provide a diverse range of skills and viewpoints without being bound by location. While there are many advantages to remote work for both the company and the individual, managers must be aware of the challenges that can arise when employing remote workers. This course explores the benefits and drawbacks of remote work and provides managers with tips for helping their remote workers stay connected and motivated.
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Every organization encounters the occasional conflict. When dealt with effectively, it can make an organization stronger and more resilient. When left unchecked, it can affect the well-being of employees and the success of an organization. This course provides an overview of the benefits of conflict resolution. We discuss the role of HR in handling disputes and describe some common sources of workplace conflict. You will learn to identify different conflict styles along with strategies and best practices for responding to workplace conflict. We also discuss how to identify and respond to dangerous situations. Finally, you’ll learn about organizational policies and legal considerations for handling conflict.
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HR professionals perform a wide variety of tasks within an organization. However, regardless of their role or function area, all HR managers at some point have to engage in difficult conversations. While these conversations are not easy to have, there are ways to make them less difficult.
In this course, we will define difficult conversations as those involving sensitive or contentious matters that often trigger strong emotions that can prove challenging to handle for the participants. We’ll discuss how preparing for these conversations, focusing on employee behavior, engaging in active listening, and encouraging back-and-forth discussion can make them more productive. Armed with the right tools and techniques, you can handle difficult conversations and steer them to a successful conclusion.
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If you’re a manager and have not had any management coursework or experience, you may be looking for some foundation in management basics. This course considers the fundamentals of management and how managers can be effective in organizational settings. Starting by defining the role of a manager and how management differs from leadership and administration, the course then discusses management styles and seeks to help you identify your own management style
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Using SMART goals is widely considered a best practice for setting targets and measuring employee progress. SMART goals are goals that include the valuable details that help make them attainable. They provide employees with a sense of direction, keep them motivated, and let them know how and when their progress will be evaluated.
In this course, we describe the five characteristics of SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. You will learn to recognize whether or not a goal is SMART and to outline the process for developing effective SMART goals. Finally, you’ll learn how SMART goals can be evaluated and how they can be used to create an action plan that helps employees set and meet their unique targets.
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Human resource management includes the vital tasks of recruiting, screening, interviewing, training, appraising, disciplining, rewarding, and developing the employee–both for business and nonprofit enterprises. Since all managers have HR responsibilities, it is important that they have an understanding of the key concepts of this increasingly important function, especially since many decisions they make about employees have possible legal ramifications. This introductory-level course draws on material from Harvard Business School professor D. Quinn Mills’ book, Principles of Human Resource Management.
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In its broadest sense, “performance management” is what every good manager does every day: makes sure employees know what they need to do to achieve the organization’s goals, checks to make sure the employees are doing those things, praises employees for doing the right things, and uses constructive criticism when that is not the case. A formal performance management system simply makes sure all those management tasks get done consistently across an organization. This introductory-level course considers these varied elements of performance management. Earn SHRM and HRCI credit while mastering these important elements of human resource management.
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Drawing on material from Harvard Business School professor D. Quinn Mills’ book, Principles of Human Resource Management, this introductory-level course covers the challenges and issues that organizations face in developing and retaining their employees.
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While there are many benefits associated with remote work, there are certain tasks and activities that can’t be easily replicated in a virtual environment. Team collaboration, brainstorming, and culture-building are better suited for in-person settings, where team members can work side-by-side and connect in real time. As organizations transition to hybrid work arrangements, business leaders and HR professionals will need to assess how and when in-person work will be conducted and what the expectations will be for managing job tasks and responsibilities in a hybrid environment. This course examines how the modern office has been reshaped and explores the activities best suited for in-person settings, and addresses topics such as employee health and safety and workspace design.
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This online certificate program introduces non-financial managers to the essentials of finance. The courses will help you become conversant in critical financial terminology, and you’ll learn how to calculate key financial management indicators. You will learn how to assess your organization’s financial health by reviewing balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash flow, and you will discover how finance and accounting tools can be used to support informed decision making within organizations.
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Mathematics is a foundational pillar of business and finance. It is necessary to understand how to apply math in different financial situations to have business success. This course will allow you to strengthen your math skills by providing examples of how basic math concepts apply in a variety of financial settings, including calculating interest, business expenses, and employee compensation.
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Decision-making within an organization often hinges on the numbers. So what financial tools do managers need to be familiar with to make sound, defensible decisions? This introductory-level course is meant to teach finance concepts to non-financial managers, and considers tools for decision-making such as cost benefit analysis, break even analysis, and Balanced Scorecard. The course also teaches the basic finance concepts such as return on investment (ROI), fixed and variable costs, and payback period.
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Financial statements can look intimidating and, as a non-financial manager, you may feel like ascertaining the right conclusion from a financial statement is like finding a needle in a haystack. This course covers financial reports and their meaning. You will learn the fundamentals and importance of the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows, and how they can be used to manage a business. You will also be exposed to financial (ratio) analysis.
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Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, and analyzing data in order to make more effective decisions. As such, statistics is critical to a successful business. This introductory-level course is meant for non-financial managers. Understanding statistical techniques can help any manager responsible for marketing, management, accounting, sales, or other business functions. This course will also cover graphical representations of data that your stakeholders may expect when reviewing the results of any statistical analysis.
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Is a dollar more valuable today or tomorrow? What about a year from now? This introductory-level course covers time value of money (TVM) principles and risk and return. You will review the basic TVM techniques used in evaluating all financial decisions and their cash flow implications. For Risk and Return, you will learn how risk influences investment decisions, and how to calculate risk and rates of return. Further, you will explore the benefits of diversification and the use of the portfolio concept in investing.
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A budget is a detail of expenses and incomes for a set period of time. This introductory-level course covers budgets and how they are used in organizational settings including the uses and functions of master budgets, operating budgets, sales, production and cost of goods sold budgets, and cash budgets. You will also learn about the budgeting process, and how organizations are using different budgeting techniques to overcome operating challenges.
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Computer Applications
Bring your Office skills to a whole new level by diving into a suite set of powerful instructional courses. Excel with Excel, and move from the basics to an advanced level. Employ all of your newly-learned tips and tricks to unlock new dimensions from your data. Plus, expand your presentation prowess, with courses that deliver on the functional basics of the PowerPoint application while boosting your visual design skillset. Watch well-crafted video tutorials while reinforcing your learning with built-in knowledge checks, interactive exercises, and interactive games. Upon successful completion of all courses in this certificate program, you can download and print a Certificate of Completion And with this special pricing, you’ll get the Excel Basics course free and a cumulative discount of 38%, versus buying each course separately.
This course is designed for the learner who already has a solid understanding of Excel’s basic tools and functions. The course teaches learners some of the more advanced skills and features available in Excel, which may be useful in data analysis. These skills include style templates, conditional formatting, data validation, data manipulation, and pivot tables.
As big data continues to change the way businesses operate and drive strategy, the ability to efficiently and effectively organize and analyze data is crucial. Managers need to be able to utilize tools to identify trends and help make better business decisions. Microsoft’s Excel is a powerful spreadsheet software to organize and manage data related to business operations. This course focuses on mastering the fundamental tasks performed in Excel, including data entry, basic formula calculations, and formatting and style operations. During the course, you will learn how to build a spreadsheet from scratch and gain a greater understanding of the most popular Excel commands and functions.
This course features 25 of the most popular Excel tip and tricks for both novice and advanced Excel users. In this course, you will learn time-saving techniques to boost efficiency, increase productivity and workflow, and improve and advance your skills. Topics include data entry, data organization, data cleaning, elements of style, data sorting, data filtering, and spreadsheet display tips. This course also covers three of the most popular lookup and reference functions: VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and Find + Replace. To follow along with the content and activities in this course, you will need access to Microsoft Excel. This course features Excel 2019, which may differ from other versions of Excel.
Google Drive is a file storage service that allows users to create, share, and store files from anywhere. Tools like Google Sheets, Google Docs, and Google Slides make remote work and team collaboration easier with real-time editing, accessible version history, and chat and commenting capabilities. This course reviews the main functions and features of Google Drive and popular Google apps. Topics covered include: creating, uploading, and sharing files and folders; managing team projects and tasks; organizing your workspace; and maximizing productivity with Google Drive.
This course introduces learners to Microsoft’s project management software, MS Project. Learners, particularly aspiring project managers, are provided a step-by-step tutorial on mastering basic functions that are essential for any project. MS Project is a popular tool for project managers that allows them to develop schedules, allocate resources and duties to specific tasks, and track a project’s progression. It also allows managers to oversee the budget and analyze workloads. This introductory course will focus on the Microsoft Office 2019 version of MS Project. Learners are required to have access to MS Project 2019 in order to complete this course.
This is an introductory-level course designed to both build a foundation of essential skills in Microsoft Word and to gain a greater understanding of its interface and design elements. The course focuses on mastering the fundamental tasks performed in Word, including writing, proofing, finalizing, and printing a document.
Learn how to create presentation slides that complement your message and engage your audience. This introductory-level course covers the basic tools and functions required to craft custom slides using Microsoft’s PowerPoint. Functions covered in the course include inserting text boxes and images, presenting information with tables, charts, and SmartArt, incorporating transitions and animation, and formatting slide layouts. During the course, you will learn how to build a presentation from start to finish and will gain a greater understanding of the most popular PowerPoint tools.
As technology continues to change the way that we engage in business communications, the art of presenting has also undergone a shift. No longer can presenters rely solely on their spoken words to deliver their messages. Now, audiences expect to see multimedia slideshows that both inform and entertain. This course will consider how to plan and design effective slideshow presentations using Microsoft’s PowerPoint software. It includes practical tips and examples for mapping the presentation, incorporating research, using templates, selecting visual elements, and delivering the presentation.
Introduction to QuickBooks® Desktop 2020 (Mac) is an introductory-level course designed to build a foundation of essential skills in QuickBooks®. In this course, learners will develop a greater understanding of the basic bookkeeping and accounting functions that the software enables. The course content focuses on mastering the fundamental tasks performed in QuickBooks®, including setting up a company file and chart of accounts, entering customer and vendor information, recording sales, creating invoices, managing payables and receivables, creating and customizing reports, and using the Audit Trail.
QuickBooks® Desktop Pro Basics (2021 Windows) is an introductory-level course designed to build a foundation of essential skills in QuickBooks®. In this course, learners will develop a greater understanding of the basic bookkeeping and accounting functions that the software enables. The course content focuses on mastering the fundamental tasks performed in QuickBooks®, including setting up a company file and chart of accounts, entering customer and vendor information, recording sales, creating invoices, managing payables and receivables, creating and customizing reports, and using the Audit Trail.
QuickBooks® Online Basics is an introductory-level course designed to build a foundation of essential skills in QuickBooks® Online. In this course, learners will develop a greater understanding of the basic bookkeeping and accounting functions that the software enables. The course content focuses on mastering the fundamental tasks performed in QuickBooks®, including setting up a company file and chart of accounts, entering customer and vendor information, recording sales, creating invoices, managing payables and receivables, creating and customizing reports, and using the Audit Log.
In today’s professional landscape, PowerPoint presentations can be effective platforms for sharing information and garnering audience interest and support. At the same time, a poorly designed PowerPoint slideshow can quickly turn an audience away. By focusing on how to apply basic design principles to slideshow creation, this course will help learners use Microsoft’s PowerPoint 365 software to build visually engaging slideshow presentations. Learners will consider how to select images and photographs for use in slides, the importance of arrangement and placement of images, the use of tools like Shapes and SmartArt, methods for presenting data, and the selection of colors and fonts that increase the readability of content.

Career Building
Today’s job market is more competitive than ever, and workers must not only think about how to land jobs but also how to keep their jobs and continue progressing in their careers. All professionals–whether just entering their fields or currently holding leadership roles–can benefit from skill development and reinforcement. This bundle, based on Fast Company’s award-winning journalistic content, will help professionals across all industries future-proof their careers by focusing on key skills in the areas of communication, creativity and innovation, design thinking, networking, and personal branding. Courses in this bundle offer real-world examples, how-to lists and advice, industry spotlights, videos from industry-leading practitioners, interactive games, and review questions to ensure mastery of the material.
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No matter where you are in your career, it is important to understand how the job you perform contributes to your sense of fulfillment in life. This course prompts you to examine various job settings and functions, comparing each against your own preferences, values, and expectations, in order to determine the best job fit for you.
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You’ve heard of networking before, but you may not have realized that networking is much more than simply shaking hands and meeting people. Networking has become a key activity for professionals, entrepreneurs, and organizations alike to build genuine, memorable relationships. But it can be difficult to form good networking habits on your own. “Networking for Success” will help you improve your personal and professional networking skills. In this course, you will learn best practices and effective tips and techniques to become a confident networker.
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So, you’ve just landed a new job. What happens now? The first 30 days provide you a unique opportunity to set yourself up for success in your new role. Lots of people, most significantly your boss, will form an impression of you from the beginning that will be hard to change later on. This course will help you prepare for your first thirty days on the job, laying the groundwork for a successful tenure in your new role and at the organization.

This online certificate program helps learners develop the skills and The content in this certificate aligns with the Online Marketing Certified Associate (OMCA) credential, which is offered by OMCP. Digital marketing helps organizations promote and sell products and services through online marketing methods such as social media messaging, website ads, Facebook marketing campaigns, Google Adwords, and more. It’s vital to develop a marketing strategy that keeps up with the technology. This Certificate in Digital Marketing covers the strategic issues, marketing methods and tactics, industry terminology, and best practices. Each of the nine courses in this suite offer examples, videos from industry-leading practitioners, interactive games, and review questions to ensure mastery of the material.
This course offers an introduction to content marketing, a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience. With an emphasis on key concepts, definitions, and metrics, the course examines ways that marketers can tailor their content to meet the specific needs of potential customers as they travel through the sales funnel. Learners will explore how content is used to build brand awareness and establish the brand as a trusted source of expert advice.
Conversion Rate Optimization is the process of steady and incremental marketing improvement to yield stronger results. In this course, learners will discover the five key steps to Conversion Rate Optimization and how the process interacts with other facets of digital marketing. Through a variety of instructive techniques, including subject matter expert videos and case-study scenarios, this course provides learners with the knowledge and resources to be more effective professionals.
As consumers increasingly turn to the digital marketplace of the Internet, organizations recognize that they can better reach and connect with their customers, clients, or prospects through digital marketing. There are many benefits to effective digital marketing including improved brand perception, more efficient lead generation, and better customer satisfaction levels. That can translate into the sale of more products and services. Creating a digital marketing strategy is crucial to meeting the marketing goals of the organization. This course offers a step-by-step introduction to the process of creating such a strategy, with an emphasis on key concepts, definitions, and metrics.
This course is designed to help learners develop a solid understanding of the basic concepts and techniques that they will encounter as practitioners in the marketing automation field. Module 1 explores the buying cycle and purchase funnel, along with measuring content strategies and calculating the value of customers, followers, likes, and mobile loyalists. Module 2 introduces the single customer view as it relates to cultivating leads and covers customer relationship management and email marketing, with emphasis on multi-touch campaigns and lead scoring. It also discusses loyalty programs and methods for measuring their effectiveness. Finally, learners will combine this knowledge with business concepts in order to better inform marketing decisions for their firm.
In the age of smartphones, it is a foregone conclusion that marketing efforts should be accessible on a mobile device. This course offers an introduction to mobile marketing, looking at strategies for reaching target audiences through multiple channels, including websites, email, social media, and mobile apps. With an emphasis on key concepts, definitions, and metrics, the course explores ways that marketers can leverage the unique benefits of mobile devices to drive profitable customer action.
Paid Search advertising, also called pay-per-click (PPC), is used to pay for traffic to visit a website. In this course, learners will explore search marketing, the search process, and the buying cycle. Also included is how to set up a successful PPC account, how to set and measure goals, and how to optimize keyword usage using a variety of strategies. Learners will then examine components of effective ads and landing pages, how to optimize ad targeting, and when to use search or display advertising. The course then delves into research and analysis considerations, such as report creation, improving quality score, and using A/B and multivariate ad testing. Course material is presented through the use of text, videos, games, and other engaging content.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) encompasses the practices and metrics of trying to increase a web site’s ranking with search engines. This course will engage learners through a variety of assignments that span the history and technology of the World Wide Web. Students will learn how to leverage both content and technical features in order to increase ranking while also learning about the latest tools to measure performance. These aspects are then incorporated into real-world scenarios that challenge students to apply what they have learned.
Using social media in marketing is practically a requirement in today’s highly connected digital world. But it can be confusing and complex to dive into social media marketing without some foundation in the basics. This course focuses on teaching the principles, best practices, and strategies for incorporating social media into a marketing plan. The first module teaches the various ways that social media can be used for marketing, including defining a clear brand voice, improving reputation, and engaging with customers. The course then looks at the practical way marketers can incorporate social media activities into a focused marketing plan. Learners identify how to integrate their social media with mobile, a hub website, and email marketing. They also learn how to use strategic metrics for tracking success.
This course is designed to help learners develop a solid understanding of the basic concepts and techniques that they will encounter as practitioners in the web analytics field. Topics of major concern that are discussed in Module 1 include a summary of web analytics concepts and important terms, along with the organizations and personnel who use web analytics. The course defines key performance indicators and discusses how they are chosen and implemented. A discussion of segmentation follows, with strategies for how to categorize website visitors. Students will also learn how to plan and assess website business strategies using web analytics. In Module 2, learners will explore reporting and dashboards as they relate to web analytics. Students will gain an understanding of how to plan for and design dashboards and how qualitative research offers deeper business insights. In addition, students will learn how to conduct split and multivariate testing, and implement web analytics best practices.

Creativity and Innovation
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Spurring creativity in teams can be very challenging, but could also be the difference between a successful team and an unsuccessful one. This course looks at spurring creativity and innovation in teams and organizations. Drawing on the latest academic thinking, it outlines the key factors for creative teams. Further, the course focuses on tools and techniques designed to yield more productive thinking in collective settings. Participants learn about a number of targeted tools, including brainstorming, Discussion 66, Provocation, and others, to generate fresh thinking in smaller group settings and in their organizations.
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Critical thinking is an intellectual model for reasoning through issues to reach well-founded conclusions. It may be the single-most valuable skill that one can bring to any job, profession, or life challenge. Being able to ask the right questions, critique an argument, and logically dissect an issue occur constantly in the workplace and our lives. This introductory-level course is designed to help learners define and identify critical thinking and reasoning skills and develop those skills.

Project Management
In this simulation, you’ll act as a project consultant helping a small company quickly assimilate new employees into their operations. The simulation, designed for adult learners with some organizational relationship experience, will ask you to make decisions as you confront common interpersonal problems. Each decision you make will include tradeoffs that will increase satisfaction in some areas but may hinder others—your job will be to select the option that best benefits the organization.
As you make your choices, an adaptive scoreboard will reflect the impact of those choices on organizational success. Your goal will be to optimize your score across six organizational factors—change management, communication, conflict management, critical thinking/decision making, leadership, and team development—and use the results of your actions to inform subsequent simulation decisions.
This introductory-level course explores the methodologies and practices of Agile development and explains the key concepts and principles that form the foundation of Agile project management. This self-paced course contains vocabulary games, flashcards, and interactive exercises to supplement and enhance your understanding of Agile concepts, as well as video segments from Agile experts to help you become a more proficient Agile practitioner.
This course covers the roles and responsibilities of the project management team leader, in particular, their responsibility with regard to project stakeholders. The course also discusses how project management team leaders can build a positive team environment through effective communication, team building activities, problem-solving, and reflective listening.
This course provides a comprehensive preparation for the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® certification exam including exam-taking tips, 25 comprehensive module quizzes, and two full-length, 150-question practice exams covering the areas of interest from A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide), which will provide a report to help you determine your areas of weakness.
Emotional intelligence (EI) is our ability to identify and control our emotions to achieve positive outcomes in our relationships. Project managers with high EI are better equipped to deal with team members, vendors, stakeholders, and sponsors and to handle and resolve conflicts. This course reviews the underlying concepts of emotional intelligence and explores how project managers can improve, and make use, of their emotional intelligence.
Business ethics represent the standards for right and wrong that govern how business people act. The term also refers to the study of moral principles in the workplace. This course reviews the major ethical issues facing project managers. It looks at the specific challenges project leaders may confront as they deal with team members, vendors, stakeholders, and sponsors.

Risk Management
Cybersecurity, also known as Information Security, is the protection of data and personally identifiable information from malicious attacks, theft, and destruction. Failures of cybersecurity policies, both in large corporations and governmental agencies, have earned significant visibility and negative publicity in recent months and years. As the amount of data being stored continues to increase, and as hackers become more sophisticated, the need for cybersecurity is greater than ever.
This suite of five related courses covers various aspects of securing cloud services. Its structure is based on the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) certification administered jointly by the Cloud Security Alliance and (ISC)2. Each course is comprised of two modules. The first provides content related to the course subject matter. The second module engages the learner with real-world scenarios in which he or she must apply the content of the first module. This bundle is designed for adult learners who are interested in gaining an introduction to information technology security. Some understanding of basic IT concepts is helpful. Individual courses included in this bundle are listed below.
This course provides an overview of cloud computing and the business and security considerations of transitioning to a cloud environment or from one cloud service provider to another. The course is presented in two modules. In addition to providing information that aligns with industry standard content from the Cloud Security Alliance, this course also includes a module that presents different real-world scenarios to learners, asking them to apply what they have learned to situations they might encounter in the workplace.
Organizations must protect their assets. Just as locks go on the doors to protect physical assets, electronic and data assets must also be guarded. Asset security involves the full support of everyone in an organization, from corporate-level personnel down to front-line employees. Various security controls will be described that help protect privacy, along with data leakage prevention (DLP). Although it is not necessary, having some foundation in IT concepts is helpful in taking this course.
This course is comprised of two modules. The first addresses many of the important concepts of cloud-based data and the security responsibilities of both cloud consumers and cloud service providers. The second module offers a series of scenarios that relate to cloud data security to ensure you have mastered the material.
This course introduces students to the principles of access controls, beginning with the central modes of information security and continuing through various attacks and defenses. The course presents different kinds of authentication techniques, how they work, and how they are distinguished from each other. This course requires some basic understanding of IT concepts.
Globally, incidents of data breaches, identity thefts, and cybercrimes are on the rise, along with the explosive growth of online personal data and the expansion of computer networks. This course teaches the fundamental concepts of information security one will encounter in the cybersecurity field. This course will set the groundwork with basic vocabulary and then introduces concepts such as access controls, risk management, cyber attacks, and digital forensics. This course requires a basic understanding of IT concepts.
This course covers the role of governance and risk management in information security. It looks at the policies and standards that are needed to operate an effective information security function and to oversee good information security practices. The course also includes a look at how modern organizations manage information security risks and how to conduct a risk analysis. It concludes by examining the process for providing information security training and education. This course requires some basic understanding of IT concepts.
This course covers security assessment and testing, focusing on potential disruptions that can affect organizations and how they can be addressed with assessments and plans. Students will have the opportunity to practice how to assess the impact of disasters that may arise as well as to develop their own versions of these plans. This course requires a basic understanding of IT concepts.
This course contains an introduction to the key concepts of cryptography and security engineering. It examines the role of encryption in information security and considers common encryption methods. In addition, the course discusses ciphers, their substitutes, and how they work. Public key infrastructure and management is also covered. This course requires a basic understanding of IT concepts.
This course covers software development security while focusing on the systems development life cycle, operating systems, and their environments. Additional topics include the role of various databases in security and how to recognize and guard against attacks on software. Students will have the opportunity to apply application security controls. This course requires a basic understanding of IT concepts.

Data Analytics
When using data analysis to improve organizational performance, it’s vital to employ the tools that bring the data to life and keep people engaged in the process. Organizations in both the public and private sectors often use tools and frameworks to deliver the data, and the information the data might suggest, to its staff. This intermediate-level course will explain some of these measures and tools, describe some specific measurements, and explain the relationship between assessment and strategy. Summarizing the data with the correct tool can be the gating factor to reaching staff and effecting changes that spur performance improvement.
This course discusses data-driven decision making across a variety of sectors such as healthcare, education, and government. This course also offers recommendations for decision-making based on data analytics for each sector. The course will begin with an introduction of Big Data, then continue into a deeper dive on its implications within each sector.
Whatever your profession. Whatever your field. As a professional, and certainly as a leader, you will be asked to make a decision based on data. This course will introduce the different types of decisions made in an organizational setting, why quantitative analytics is important, and how data quality can affect decision making. Since quantitative analytics is used in various settings, this intermediate-level course also offers insight into how research is used in different sectors. From a management perspective, the course highlights appropriate quantitative methods and ways to ensure quality and accuracy through research design.
Critical thinking is an intellectual model for reasoning through issues to reach well-founded conclusions. It may be the single-most valuable skill that one can bring to any job, profession, or life challenge. Being able to ask the right questions, critique an argument, and logically dissect an issue occur constantly in the workplace and our lives. This introductory-level course is designed to help learners define and identify critical thinking and reasoning skills and develop those skills.