Advocacy & Public Policy
Public policy decisions at the local, state, and federal level can have a significant impact on nonprofits and the communities that we serve.

Our 2025 Policy Agenda
As the trusted resource for leadership, education, research, and action on behalf of the charitable nonprofits in Tennessee, Tennessee Nonprofit Network’s Policy Agenda is built upon our board-approved Public Policy Principles.
Nonprofit organizations are the backbone of our society providing communities with the services and jobs to build and sustain a civil society. We must ensure that nonprofits continue to have access to the support they need to continue their work from federal, state, and local governments.
Beyond our policy agenda, Tennessee Nonprofit Network will expand our efforts to communicate with our elected officials, at all levels, and their staff the importance of the nonprofit sector. We will provide real-time data and research on the sector’s economic and societal impact to all Tennesseans.
The Tennessee Nonprofit Network will work with state partners to advocate for nonprofit organizations to receive policy consideration and relief that is equitable to what for-profit organizations receive. Specifically, TNN’s priorities for 2025 are:
- Nonprofit-Government Grant Relations: Support efforts and policies to improve grant making and reimbursement processes for nonprofits and state agencies.
- Advance the Role of the Nonprofit Sector: Educate policymakers on the scope and economic impact of the nonprofit sector in Tennessee and within their districts. Advocate for nonprofits inclusion and representation in state and federal policy discussions and budget allocations.
- Nonprofit Independence: Support actions to preserve and protect the tax-exempt and nonpartisan status of nonprofits, strengthen the nonprofit economy and workforce, and protect nonprofit autonomy and right to self-governance.
- Charitable Giving & Volunteerism: Promote and expand policies that encourage charitable giving and volunteering. Oppose legislation that disincentive giving and volunteerism.
- Civic Engagement & Advocacy Education: Promote nonprofit civic engagement by educating and empowering organizations to engage in advocacy, public policy, and other civic efforts. Support initiatives that provide training and resources to build nonprofit capacity for effective advocacy, ensuring a strong voice for the sector in state and local policy discussions.
- Nonprofit Workforce: Advocate for efforts aimed at strengthening the nonprofit workforce and positioning the sector as a desirable and competitive employer, including efforts aimed at addressing access to high-quality child-care, fair compensation and benefits, and other workforce development efforts. Oppose legislation or actions that adversely affect the effectiveness of nonprofits, including burdensome employment laws and rules, disparity between nonprofit and for-profit employers, negative funding mechanisms, etc.
- Best Practices & Accountability: Support actions that provide fair and reasonable expectations of accountability and transparency within the nonprofit sector, while working to ensure that any requirements are necessary, reasonable, and non-burdensome. Oppose legislation that selectively exempts certain entities or sectors from accountability standards, ensuring a level playing field for all organizations operating within the nonprofit sector.
- Donor Secrecy & Donor Intent: Protect donor information while supporting proper government oversight of the sector through confidential, non-public disclosures. Support donor intent in giving while not adding unnecessary, burdensome, or duplicative enforcement mechanisms.

Tennessee Nonprofit Network (TNN) works to build the momentum of the nonprofit sector in Tennessee to create equitable, measurable, lasting change. TNN is the premier resource for leadership, education, research, and action on behalf of the nonprofit sector in Tennessee. As a nonprofit membership association, TNN works on behalf of nonprofits to educate public officials about the value and needs of nonprofit organizations and to advocate for public policies that promote, protect and advocate for the sector as a whole.
Tennessee Nonprofit Network will develop a public policy agenda guided by our public policy principles and through the lens of diversity, equity and inclusion on behalf of the sector and our community. We will actively work to include all voices with an emphasis on individuals and communities historically underrepresented or excluded.