Tennessee Nonprofit Network

Season 1: I Was Told There Would Be Snacks

Episode 1: Revenge is a Dish Best Served Donated featuring Dr. Greg Witkowski

Episode 2: Nonprofit Leadership Landmines featuring Dana Wilson and Nikki Gibbs

Episode 3: Nonprofit Sustainability Isn’t a Thing featuring Vu Le and Amber Hamilton

Episode 4: Fundraising for People Who Hate Fundraising featuring Rachel Ramjattan

Episode 5: The Good, the Bad, and the Franklin: Historical Figures Who Changed Philanthropy

Episode 6: Nonprofit Word Salad featuring Sammy Moon and Juanita White

Episode 7: Respectability Politics in Nonprofits featuring Rhonda Broussard

Episode 8: Nonprofit Snake Oil Salesmen featuring Natalie McKinney

Episode 9: Board Members with Battle Axes featuring Susan Schmidt

Episode 10: Will COVID Kill the Arts? featuring Pat Mitchell-Worley and Elizabeth Rouse

Episode 11: The Next Big Things in Nonprofit featuring Jeanette O’Bryant, Jan Young, and Sally Heinz – Livestreamed from Grey’s Fine Cheese and Entertaining

Episode 12: It’s A New Dawn, A New Day featuring Sam O’Bryant, Deveney Perry, an Andrea Hill – Livestreamed from KUDZUKIAN studios

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