Tennessee Nonprofit Network

Tennessee Legislative Updates for March 14

Download the Legislative Calendar here.

Download the Legislative Report here.



  • House Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee will consider:
    • HB 46- Requires that a reimbursement payment to a child advocacy center be completed within 30 days of receipt of a request for reimbursement. Requires payment of a 10 percent late payment fee for failing to make a timely reimbursement to a child advocacy center.
  • Senate Commerce & Labor Committee will consider:
    • SB 563- Corrects a reference in the charitable solicitations law that requires educational institutions be approved as such by the Tennessee public charter school commission rather than the state board of education to be exempt from registration requirements.
  • House Departments & Agencies Subcommittee will consider:
    • HB 744- Prohibits an organization or entity receiving financial assistance from this state for programs or activities from denying benefits to, excluding from participation in, or discriminating against a person otherwise eligible for the program or activity on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin.
    • HJR 146- Proposes an amendment to Article XI, Section 5 of the Constitution of Tennessee to authorize local boards of education to approve lotteries conducted by nonprofit school support organizations.
  • Senate State & Local Gov’t Committee will consider:
    • SB 212- Expands the requirement that state and local governing bodies make an agenda available to the public prior to regular public meetings of the body to include the governing bodies of certain nonprofit organizations, including nonprofit community organizations that receive federal funding, nonprofit organizations that receive community grant funds from this state or certain funding from local governments, and nonprofit organizations created for the benefit of local governments.
  • Senate Finance, Ways & Means Committee will consider:
    • SB 836- Requires a local education agency (LEA) or public charter school to require that each student who seeks to enroll in the LEA or public charter school provide documentation establishing that the student is: (1) a citizen of the United States; (2) is in the process of obtaining citizenship; or (3) holds a legal immigration or visa status.


  • House Finance, Ways & Means Committee will hear budget expansion requests from Dept. of Correction, Dept. of Health, Dept. of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services and THEC.
  • Senate Health & Welfare Committee will consider:
    • SB 321- Creates the Advisory Task Force on State Reimbursement Rates (Task Force), to make recommendations on annual adjustments to the reimbursement rates paid to agencies that perform healthcare functions and services in the state
  • House Criminal Justice Subcommittee will consider:
    • HB 478- Specifies that a person does not commit an offense if the person possesses or carries a firearm into an area that is posted if, upon the request of an individual authorized to control access to the property, the person immediately leaves the property or stores the firearm in a personal vehicle in accordance with state law.
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