Tennessee Nonprofit Network

Tennessee Legislative Updates for March 21

Download the legislative calendar here.

Download the legislative report here.



  • Senate Finance, Ways & Means Committee will hear a presentation on the Governor’s amended budget. They will also consider:
    • SB 836- Requires a local education agency (LEA) or public charter school to require that each student who seeks to enroll in the LEA or public charter school provide documentation establishing that the student is: (1) a citizen of the United States; (2) is in the process of obtaining citizenship; or (3) holds a legal immigration or visa status.
  • Senate Judiciary Committee will consider:
    • SB 560- Establishes that the economic disadvantage of a parent or guardian alone is not a ground for the termination of parental rights.
    • SB 227- Allows a charitable organization that provides housing to a person who the charitable organization knows is unlawfully present in the United States to be held liable for a loss, damages, injury, or death resulting from a criminal offense committed by the person who is unlawfully present in the United States while the person is receiving housing services from the charitable organization if the charitable organization’s conduct in providing housing constitutes negligence, gross negligence, or willful and wanton misconduct.
  • House Health Committee will consider:
    • HB 387- Prohibits a healthcare provider from inquiring as to a patient’s ownership, possession of, or access to firearm ammunition or firearm accessories.
  • House Education Committee will consider:
    • HB 148- Creates the Tennessee Promise completion grant special account in the state treasury for purposes of awarding completion grants to certain Tennessee Promise scholarship students.
    • HB 1175- requires a local education agency (LEA) in which a child care agency operates to submit a comprehensive list of all underutilized property or vacant property to the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Comptroller of the Treasury (COT) and for the department to make the list available to each child care agency operating in the LEA.


  • House Judiciary Committee will consider:
    • HB 322- Creates the offenses of human smuggling and the offense of harboring or hiding, or assisting another in harboring or hiding, within this state an individual who the person knows or should have known has illegally entered or remained in the United States.
  • House Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee will consider:
    • HB 46- Requires that a reimbursement payment to a child advocacy center be completed within 30 days of receipt of a request for reimbursement. Requires payment of a 10 percent late payment fee for failing to make a timely reimbursement to a child advocacy center.
  • Senate Education Committee will consider:
    • SB 1378- Creates the division of early child care and education within the department of education.
  • Senate Health & Welfare Committee will consider:
    • SB 1154- Requires the department of human resources to submit the request to the United States department of agriculture’s food and nutrition service using the process established in federal law to seek authorization to exclude candy and soft drinks from the definition of eligible foods.
  • House Criminal Justice Subcommittee will consider:
    • HB 478- Specifies that a person does not commit an offense if the person possesses or carries a firearm into an area that is posted if, upon the request of an individual authorized to control access to the property, the person immediately leaves the property or stores the firearm in a personal vehicle in accordance with state law.
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