Tennessee Nonprofit Network

Tennessee Nonprofit Network Announces New Community Action Council Members

Imagine a team of passionate people across Tennessee who are champions for nonprofits. That’s what Tennessee Nonprofit Network’s Community Action Councils (CACs) are! These councils are regional groups of volunteers with a common goal: to see a thriving nonprofit sector in Tennessee.

We are excited to announce our inaugural members of the Community Action Councils. These new council members will serve as the eyes and ears of Tennessee Nonprofit Network and also be ambassadors in their communities for the organization.

These CACs are important because they bring together a powerful mix of experience and connections. When Momentum Nonprofit Partners first announced their statewide expansion and rebrand as Tennessee Nonprofit Network, the board and staff were committed to having on-the-ground support throughout Tennessee to make sure we are constantly receiving feedback from nonprofits throughout the state. Our CAC members offer their expertise to the Tennessee Nonprofit Network, helping the organization better serve nonprofits across the state. They also connect the Network with potential new members, funders, and other important people. This network of passionate volunteers strengthens the entire nonprofit ecosystem in Tennessee.

We have divided our councils into three to represent the different areas of the state. Below is a list of our new Community Action Council members who will begin their tenure on July 1st, 2024.

West Tennessee Community Action Council Members

Middle Tennessee Community Action Council Members

East Tennessee Community Action Council Members

We welcome our new Community Action Council members and cannot wait to see what energy, expertise, and thought leadership they bring to our organization and the Tennessee nonprofit community!

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