Tennessee Nonprofit Network

Season 2: I Was Told There Would Be Snacks

Episode 1: Are We Really Fighting Poverty? featuring Ayanna Johnson-Watkins and Sutton Mora

Episode 2: How to Detox Your Nonprofit featuring Brittanie Young

Episode 3: Managing “Messy” featuring Dr. Bev Vitali and Cassandra Webster

Episode 4: The Self-Aware Employee featuring Foluke Houston-Gaddis

Episode 5: Risky Fundraising featuring Ted Bilich

Episode 6: Public Policy is Your Friend featuring David L. Thompson and Jessica Mendieta

Episode 7: So You Wanna Be a Nonprofit Consultant featuring Mel and Pearl Shaw

Episode 8: The Invisible Nonprofit featuring Denzel Alexander and Marvin Stockwell

Episode 9: Nonprofit Word Salad Part 2 featuring April Carter and Carrie Burke

Episode 10: Your Executive Director is Not a Cactus featuring Meg Crosby and Olliette Murry-Drobot

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